
December, 2023
HF Brasil Yearbook: 2023 Retrospective & 2024 Outlook
Remember the main events of 2023 and see the projections for 2024 in Brazilian horticulture market.
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September, 2019
Traceability is law! Producers, are you ready?
Traceability is already mandatory for some fruits and vegetables in Brazilian market. So those growers who have not yet adapted, need to run! Read the cover article and learn more about the new law and when it will be required for your product!
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April, 2017
CSA - Community Supported Agriculture
Do you know what CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is? It is a relationship channel between consumers and the horticulture producers: in one hand, a group of consumers finances local growers and, in the other hand, producers focus on its essential vocation: producin
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August, 2017
August issue: Grower versus Retailer
In August edition, Hortifruti Brasil team lists five myths or truths about why prices of fruit and vegetables in retail are much higher than at growers. The proposal is to expose the commercialization system in horticulture segment and its main costs.  
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August, 2016
Right from the farm!
Fruit and vegetables go a long way until consumers to enjoy them, but there are alternatives to producers to sell their products straight to the customers. Faced with the possibility of shortening the way from producers to consumers, Hortifruti Brasil team shows in its
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August, 2015
A vez dos HFs "feios"!
Na edição de agosto de 2015, a Hortifruti Brasil buscou entender as campanhas europeias que incentivam o consumo de frutas e hortaliças “feias”, ou seja, deformados ou fora do padrão ideal de comercialização. Além disso, traz à tona uma reflexão sobre perdas e desperdício de alimentos. Leia também n
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February, 2014
Os hortifrutis e as crianças
A Hortifruti Brasil destaca na capa da edição de fevereiro (2014) a importância de as crianças consumirem alimentos saudáveis, como as frutas e hortaliças. Conforme a quantidade recomendada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), todos deveríamos consumir 400 gramas de frutas e hortaliças por dia.
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